Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Somewhere in Westchester

This is how I get to most of the places I post about here, usually within a few hours of NYC and usually with Michelle. This picture was from one of the really rare days where I just went solo with no particular destination and it was 4 hours of bliss (cold bliss toward the end, but bliss just the same). I'm not really sure where I was, but I think the thing in the background is some kind of reservoir. It was an awesome crisp fall day and, as I write this (actually on xmas eve, despite the date shown), I can't wait until the weather warms up just a bit to go get lost all over again.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Hiking in the Palisades (NJ)

It seemed to rain most of the fall (and most of the summer), so if we wanted to do anything outside, we couldn't let the rain stop us. This weekend was no exception and we took a lovely 8 mile hike through the nearby Palisades along long trail (up top), down some switchbacks, along the shore trail (the Hudson shore), then back up.

We got a little lost at the end and a little wetter than planned, but we're excited to go back and try some other trails further north.

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